By the time you complete this course, you'll be able to:
- Discover how adding mastermind groups can accelerate your members’ results and enhance your business at the same time
- Create an ideal member profile for your mastermind so that you can recruit the people who will benefit most from the program
- Design a structure for your mastermind program that ensures your group members get the results they want
- Establish clear guidelines for the functioning of the group so that you create a safe, supportive space where members can participate freely
- Find and onboard those who are the best fit for your program and who will help and encourage each other
- Outline a motivating agenda for your mastermind meetings so that members will take the action that leads them to success
- Plan how you’ll assess the impact of your mastermind program and what improvements are needed to make it even more successful
- Consolidate and implement your learning and plan future action steps so you can achieve the goals you set for this course.
This course is broken down into 5 major modules and individual lessons to take you step-by-step through how to create a profitable business mastermind.
The modules follow a logical order, so while you can skip around if you want, it’s best to work through them one at a time.
0 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
7 Files
Introduction & Learning Objectives
Why Run a Business Mastermind?
How Masterminds Help Business
Role of The Business Mastermind Moderator
Make Your Mastermind Profitable
Action Steps:
The 7 Success Factors of Mastermind Groups
Ideal Member Profile
Select the Best Fit
Action Steps:
Lesson 1: Plan Your Program Structure
How to Price Your Mastermind
Action Steps
Lesson 2: Establish Clear Group Rules
Action Steps
Lesson 1: Recruit and Onboard Mastermind Members
Action Steps
Lesson 2: Run Your High-Impact Mastermind Meetings
Action Steps
Lesson 3: Evaluate Your Results
Action Steps
Build on Your Mastermind Success
What You Learned
Action Steps